
More treasures from Ronit: Gorgeous Valentine Project.

As I mentioned in the previous post, Ronit, (Who has to be the best bead fairy ever!) can take the most simple of patterns and turn it into a real "WOW" of a treasure. I can't say often enough how her work illustrates thinking out side of the box - or the square basic pattern.

This pattern started with the basic heart square below, that is part of the Bead Quilt pattern collection to raise money for breast cancer research (It's not too late yet!!). From there, Ronit manipulated the pattern and shaped the free form heart with the open accent area. For the bracelet the motif was reversed and repeated.

Here's is an example of not just going beyond the basic pattern, but taking it an extra step. I feel that it has evolved to become a new pattern entirely and want to make sure Ronit gets load of credit here for the awesome work she does. I humbly feel that the heart motif is only a very small part of the final creation.

The necklace strap is an Apache leaf variation. I need to go look at my email to get the addy and paste it here, so it will be a little bit.

Please enjoy this eye candy for Valentine's day, courtesy of Ronit.

1 comment:

  1. Ronit does beautiful work. She takes your wonderful pattern and takes it a step further.
