
April is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism awareness month. I wanted to encourage everyone to learn more about Autism and Autism spectrum disorders this month. This pattern is my take on the slogan - "Autism: help put the pieces together."

My oldest daughter has Aspergers, an Autism spectrum disorder. To most people who first see her, she seems like a quiet, and reserved young lady. And she is a quiet and reserved young lady for the most part. But the journey to get to this point has been a long and arduous road. We're still trying to find some of the milestones along the way, and we still only have pieces of the map.

Some days are pretty good. Other days, when she has had an outburst of rage, or is being extra literal and concrete, I just want to crawl in the bed and not come out. It's hard to get her younger sisters to understand why she acts like she does. It hurts to see her flinch away when I try to hug or touch her unawares.

But she is also very talented at drawing. She reads voraciously, and better than most adults. She loves completely and without reservation. She tries harder than anyone I know to "be a good kid." She wants to be a zoologist, more than anything. I'm proud of her and I love her. When she does hug me - it's a real bear hug!

So please share understanding and awareness this month, with me and my family.

Here are some links to explore:






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