
More amazing work from Ronit

I love Ronit's work! I know everyone has heard before, but it always amazes me what she can do with the most basic of patterns. Here is an awesome set Ronit made up (at the speed of light I might add.) from the pattern I recently posted for Autism Awareness Month. Wow.

I decided to share Ronits description of the set in her own words, below. I also included the date, because I was blown away. She was able to create this set in under 9 days!

Don't forget that Ronit has a link to her own patterns:


Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 12:01 PM

Hi Ginger, I really loved your design and since, in addition to you, I have one other friend with an autistic child, I decide to bead it up (and, of course, the rest of the set) and wear it to my monthly bead society meeting, which was yesterday. I finished it in the nick of time, with minutes to spare! I was able to tell a few people who complimented me on the set what it stood for, and was also surprised to find out that a few people who approached me immediately knew what this ribbon stood for.

Because I prefer my bracelets slightly narrower, I made it such that some of the edges of the ribbon "spill over the edges" of the bracelet. On the other hand, I wanted the pendant to be wider than the bracelet so I added the little truncated diamonds on the edges, and carried that over to the strap. I really liked the two tone background (I thought of the pink and blue as girls and boys :)) so I carried that over to the pendant but went for a chevron shape because I try to avoid the rectangular shape when I can. I don't often use peyote straps because they can't be make rounded, but this strap is narrow enough to curve nicely around the neck. The earrings and ring are based on Shala Kerrigan's awareness ribbon pattern - I just carried over the "pieces" and two-tone ideas over.

I've attached the photos for you - thanks again for your lovely and inspiring patterns!

Take care and sending you Big Hugs, Ronit


Ronit mention's Shala Kerrigan's earring pattern. Shala is one of my beading hero's. When I first started out beading, I went to the web for more info and patterns, and came across her website.

Since then, she has also become the editor for Beadwork with Bella.com. I love her stuff - It has the right sense of fun and balance I like in patterns. If you haven't checked out her stuff - go now!

Shala Kerrigan at Bella.com:


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