
Bitsy Bee bracelet

I have always had a thing for cutesy.

I've also always loved bees.

So when you combine cutesy and bees: I'm tickled pink!

This pattern will work up very quickly and is a great beginner project.

An aside:

My husband, Steve, has started bee keeping since March and our busy bees have been working hard to get ready for the winter. We won't be able to harvest any honey until next year, but I have already been making plans for both the honey and bees wax! (I love to do batik!)

My youngest daughter, Virginia, has joined Steve in the hobby as well, and has the cutest little bee keeper suit ever. She is ten, but already helps Steve with checking the hive and working with the bees.

The most amazing thing to me: Bees are sold by the pound! and come in a buzzing box! It was a small box, made of wood and screen. The Queen came in her own little box about the size of a match box. There was a plug made of wax, that would let the worker bees "chew her out!" Since it would take a couple of days for the queen to get free, it would give the hive and queen time to settle down and get used to each other.

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