
Bead Quilt 2011

Jeanette Shanigan has announced the new theme for the 2011 Beaders Against Cancer Bead Quilt on her Yahoo group, BeadyShanigans.

Jeanette wrote:

"Yes, the theme for 2011 will be hand or hands, so those of you who are eager to
get started, may do so. Remember that the guidelines for 2011 will not be
posted on my web site until late September, though."

So it's time to get busy with our hands and do some beady hand work depicting hands.

I jumped the gun a little bit and did a few patterns already.  Hopefully over the next few weeks I will be able to add several more.


  1. Wow! While all the rest of us were scratching our heads and trying to figure out how we going to get a hand in that tiny little square. . . you just started creating patterns. These are wonderful! I suspect you have just increased the number of participants in this year's (well, 2011's) Bead Quilts, because now we have patterns, and ideas for more patterns, too. Thank you!

  2. Virginia,
    Thank you ! You are very kind! I just know this is something I can do to help out.
    Beady hugs - Ginger

  3. I agree with Virginia's comment, I found out about this last year and wanted to participate but it was too late, with seeing the hand I was saying, hmm on how to make a hand look like a hand so small. Now I at least have a base I can start with in my pattern designer!

    Thank you, I will definately be participating along with my 12 and 9 year old daughters!

  4. Thanks for these! For the last several years, I've been coordinating beading sessions to contribute to the quilt. I was able to create some of my own designs; but the "hand" - omg - I didn't know where to start. My peeps will be thrilled to have these to follow. Last year, our group is the group that had the New Mexico quilt made for an anonymous donation to BAABC. Thanks! Linda

  5. These are great! I really want to contribute at least one square for the 2011 quilt and have come up with a couple of ideas but you have given me a perfect base pattern to develop them on. I have seen some other hand patterns but yours are the best I've seen yet. The shading makes all the difference! I think each contributor could easily start with one of these patterns and then add their own personal touches for a truly unique and beautiful quilt. Thank you so much!
