
An Angel for Lucy

One of the followers here, Lucy, mentioned how much she loves angels.  Check out her blog - it has gorgeous eye candy!

My Mother-in-law also loves angels - especially on the Christmas tree!  So I have made up some more Angel patterns for both Lucy, and my Mother-in-law.

This angel pattern was based on a free clip art.  It's a bit large (slightly over 4 or 5 inches.) but would look lovely with the lights shining behind it.

1 comment:

  1. Un millón de gracias, no puedo expresar lo que siento en este momento, estoy muy pero muy emocionada, es un regalo increible lo que me has hecho, no sé ni que decir, solo que estoy llorando de alegría, y no sé como agradecer tanto cariño.....un millón de besos......
