
Continued Internet troubles!

Just a note to let folks know I am still having very intermittent Internet.

I live in a remote area where our internet has to be piped in with a satellite dish.  Since we have begun homeschooling all three girls online, we have been maxing out our daily download/upload limit (400MB).  When we hit our limit our connection is shut down for the next 24 hours. Ouch!

I am probably going to have to rely on the library, until I can find a way to get enough access to at least get the girls their schoolwork uploaded online every day and be able to check the news.  Hopefully this won't last for too many more days.

Sending Beady Hugs to Everyone! - G.

1 comment:

  1. It is such a critical problem. You can call your network engineer or internet service provider. I think he is the person who solve your problem very easily.
