
Dead computer.

I have bad news.

My main computer has been infected with some terrible virus or worm.  That means my bead pattern software is toast until I can get something done to wipe and reload.

At the moment I couldn't even get the virus software to run on the computer.

A photo I took off the back porch in November.
I had it saved to a flash drive, so at least you have something pretty to look at!
That's out little hen house in the picture.  We keep our older hens there.

I have good news - I did save all the patterns to a back up hard drive so none of those have been lost. (Whew!)

I have some lovely birds I designed just before the crash.  I'm in the process of working on how to best switch over my files to work with them.  I will also have to reload Beadtool 4, before I can design any new patterns.

 (If you haven't checked out Beadtool 4,  please give it a look see.  It's one of the best designer tools ever for bead patterns.)

I hope to be back on line sometime this month.


  1. It is so important to install computer virus software in your desktop or laptop. The prime job of an anti virus is protect your system from computer viruses.

  2. I agree!
    Unfortunately this virus did a run around the virus soft ware I was running, and I was hoping that using a new virus program might act like an injection for the infection, so to speak!

  3. I hope you are making progess getting your computer working again. Your bead designs are amazingly good! I love the egyptian patterns.

  4. I know it has taken longer than I originally expected but real life took a serious turn for busy!

    The good news: I have now downloaded the bead tool on my new computer (a Mac this time) and have been working on some new patterns.

    I have also been working away on a few necklaces to share. Hopefully I will have things slow down long enough to get some things posted on here soon! - G.
