
Bead Quilt 2012-2013

These rose patterns are from the first set of patterns I ever designed for the Bead Quilt three or four years ago.  The theme that year was "roses."  Since this year's theme is "flowers," I thought I would go ahead and post these here as well.  They were originally posted on Jeanette Shanigan's Yahoo group Beady Shanigans.

 As I mentioned, These were some of the very first I did for the Bead It Forward project.  I have to confess to having made some mistakes.  This first pattern accidentally is missing it's first row of colors.  I recommend just repeating the colors from the row below it.


  1. I just posted a link to this post and a couple of other links to the Facebook Seedbeadersters Group. Thought you might like to know.

  2. Thank you! I have about forty patterns I need to post for bead quilt 2014. I have been so busy I have not hardly gone on line at all lately. I check my email and that is about it. I am out of town for the week and when I get back I plan on posting them.
    Hugs! G.
