
Just finished beading this pendant

I just wanted to share a quick pic of this pendant (pattern here) I just finished.  The pattern is from Vezsuzi, and if you haven't checked out her blog you really should.  Don't let the Hungarian put you off - the blog is full of beautiful beady eye candy.  Her work is exciting and gorgeous.

I also more patterns coming up to share with everyone.  Happy Easter and Blessed Ostara!


  1. Love it and will have to have a go at one myself.
    Been looking at her site and I love the solid triangles, I'll have to figure out how to tackle one!

  2. Although you can peyote bead the whole triangle at once, I prefer doing each side at a time, then stitching them together. It's just easier on my fingers to hold.

    It is also a bit weird on the odd count, because it is decreased on each row. You end up doing an odd count turn on both sides!

  3. Very Nice. I'm going to check out her site. Thank you I enjoy reading your posts.
