
Trouble with my internet connection.


Life in the country has so many perks, it's hard to complain about the one or two things I really miss about the city.  But there are times when I yearn for the super fast internet connections that never froze up.

Along with sunshine, we also have to pipe in the internet on a satellite dish.  It often freezes up, especially if we try to download the news. 

I have been wanting to upload some awesome pics for the last couple of days - Ronit recently did an awesome set based on the clown fish pattern, I have some patterns to upload, and share some cool beach pictures. 

Unfortunately, the connection freezes up every time I have tried to load a picture to anything.  At worst, I may have to go to the library and use their wi-fi.  Just don't despair, I hope to get some things up soon.


  1. Don't feel bad everyone has problems with their net at times no matter what kind they use. Your work is very nice & those of us will just be looking forward to seeing it when you are able to post your pictures. They will be even more special to us all. Relax & don't stress out over this problem. Ok. Smile & know we will wait.

  2. BSOTF
    Thank you! It good to know y'all are so sweet out there!

    Big Beady Hugs! - Ginger
