
Ronit's beautiful version of the clown fish bracelet pattern

Once again Ronit Florence has taken a pattern and made it into more than just a basic bracelet.  She definitely knows how to tweak a design to get the most from it. Most readers will recognize the Clown Fish Bracelet I posted in July.

Bead work and photo by Ronit

 Here's what she had to share about the beautiful set she made:

    " As usual, your clown fish pattern wrecked havoc with my todo list - I just had to drop everything and bead it up :) I saw real clown fish in their "natural" habitat in a museum recently and learned about the symbiotic relationship they have with sea anemones, so I added the anemones to the pattern - that happened to have made beading a bit more interesting  because it meant that there wasn't a large area of solid color to bead up :)

     Of course, I had to make a set, so I rearranged the fish slightly so the pendant didn't turn out too wide and I made matching earrings. I used clear beads with AB finish (Delica #51) to do the bubbles and, while in retrospect I think it would have been better to use white, it allowed me to use the clear "water" drops or bubbles in the fringe and strap. For the strap I used this free pattern: http://storage.canalblog.com/26/09/392679/26506221.jpg from this site: http://centperles.canalblog.com/archives/schemas_a_a_d_/index.html

     Hope you like it and thanks again for all your wonderful and very inspiring patterns!!!

Hugs, Ronit"

Bead work and photo by Ronit

Truly gorgeous!! I am always amazed at how awesome (and fast! - she had this done early last week!) Ronit's work is.


  1. I'm so glad you stumbled across my blog. I'm tickled that you're so nearby!

  2. Just coming back to say that I love all of your amazing bead patterns. Not ones you find everyday, either!

  3. Wow! Ronit did a great job with your pattern. Ginger, great pattern.
